What kind of fish can i put in a 20 gallon reef tank?


Active Member
you're going to want to keep stock low and with small fish. clowns would be good, gobies, some wrasses, blennies... i wouldnt add more than 3 or 4 small fish personally.


Active Member
A Royal Grama would be a good cheap start. Maybe a Clown too but only a few smaller fish in a 20. Good Luck!! Warren


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
How about dwarf angels, madarinfish, or a 1 inch foxface?
If it's a new tank it won't really be suitable for a dwarf angel or a mandarin, and a 1 inch foxface isn't going to stay that small for long. Consider smaller clowns, damsels, gobies, dartfish, etc.


all angles need lots of swimming room, even the dwarf angel.
The mandarins need lots of LR.. consensus seems to be about 70 Lb's of LR and a mature tank with plenty of copepods in the rock and sand to support 1 mandarins diet. Very few will take to prepared foods, most starve to death unless they have a supply of live food in the tank.
The foxface will likely far outgrow your tank.
I would suggest the fishes most others have mentioned.
If it were me.. i personally would probably go for a couple Cardinals, like the Pajama Cardinal, a couple damsels or 1 dottyback, and a goby.

coral keeper

Active Member
Well i wana keep a cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp and peppermint shrimp, and wont the Cardinals eat the shrimp? i need a fish that can be kept with inverts too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Infalable
How abot a bi color blennie or similar
Thats a great fish with personality

coral keeper

Active Member
These are the fish i like the most and can someone plz tell me if any of these fish can be kept in a 20 gallon reef tank?
Bicolor Angelfish, Eibli Angelfish, Flame Angelfish, Lemonpeel Angelfish, Bicolor Blenny, L awnmower-Orange Spotted, Midas Blenny, any kind of Cardinal that can be kept with shrimp, Anykind of clown fish, Black and gold damsel, HAWAIIAN DRAGON EEL!,
(I wish lol.
) 4-Wheel Drive Goby, Neon goby, Mandarinfish, Firefish, Scissortail Goby, Shrimpgoby-Barbershop, Shrimpgoby-Randalli, Yellow wachman, Spike Fin Goby, Sixline Wrasse, and Yellow Coris Wrasse.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
These are the fish i like the most and can someone plz tell me if any of these fish can be kept in a 20 gallon reef tank?
Bicolor Angelfish, Eibli Angelfish, Flame Angelfish, Lemonpeel Angelfish, Bicolor Blenny, L awnmower-Orange Spotted, Midas Blenny, any kind of Cardinal that can be kept with shrimp, Anykind of clown fish, Black and gold damsel, HAWAIIAN DRAGON EEL!,
(I wish lol.
) 4-Wheel Drive Goby, Neon goby, Mandarinfish, Firefish, Scissortail Goby, Shrimpgoby-Barbershop, Shrimpgoby-Randalli, Yellow wachman, Spike Fin Goby, Sixline Wrasse, and Yellow Coris Wrasse.
yellow coris wrasse
yellow watchman
how about a few chromis?
there are a few options.
i am possibly setting up a 2ol and am putting about 2-3 purple firsifsh and a yellow watchman in it
unless u can mix firefish
and the cardinal. bangaii should be invert safe

coral keeper

Active Member
Well i was thinking of going with the Flame Angelfish, Midas Blenny, Mandarinfish, Firefish, and a Sixline Wrasse, or a Yellow Coris Wrasse. Can i keep 6 fish in a 20 gallon reef tank? How about 5?


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Well i was thinking of going with the Flame Angelfish, Midas Blenny, Mandarinfish, Firefish, and a Sixline Wrasse, or a Yellow Coris Wrasse. Can i keep 6 fish in a 20 gallon reef tank? How about 5?
The mandarin will die. Don't bother.
And angels need large tanks.. everything else is probably o.k.


Active Member
the pods wont breed fast enough to keep up with the manderins diet. ezpecially in a 20g tank. i had one in my 50g reef and it starved to death(i was uneducated back then). i will never put a manderin in another tank smaller then a 75g tank. even if you have a refugium you will never have enough foor for a manderin in a 20g tank.


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Why will the mandarinfish die????? Some people said if i can supply it copepods it will be just fine.
They graze very slowly for food all day, like a tang grazes algae.
They do not swarm to food during feeding like other fish. Look them up on wetwebmedia.com
It takes AT LEAST 60 lbs of live rock and a tank that's at least 1 year mature with a healthy breeding copepod population to keep one. Just pouring in copepods won't do a lot of good for him and is expensive.
Trust me.. he will die.. you wont know it happened, cause they hide a lot and are hard to find,.. and there will be a algae explosion in your tank.


Active Member
You have to supply it with copepods, and that is the BIG problem. They eat a lot of them. You wont have enough room for them to establish themselves and multiply before the mandarin picked them clean. I wouldnt get one if I was you, but sometimes people get things out of the guidelines to work, thats why they are guidelines and not walls. The Flame Angel would be heavily cramped in a 20. They need a lot of swimming room as they like to roam and graze on the rocks and such. I would get a firefish, and a couple pajama cardinals. Maybe a clown as well, but I wouldnt go any more than that. I believe those cardinals can be kept with cleaners but I am not sure.


Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
You have to supply it with copepods, and that is the BIG problem. They eat a lot of them. You wont have enough room for them to establish themselves and multiply before the mandarin picked them clean. I wouldnt get one if I was you, but sometimes people get things out of the guidelines to work, thats why they are guidelines and not walls. The Flame Angel would be heavily cramped in a 20. They need a lot of swimming room as they like to roam and graze on the rocks and such. I would get a firefish, and a couple pajama cardinals. Maybe a clown as well, but I wouldnt go any more than that. I believe those cardinals can be kept with cleaners but I am not sure.
Yeah, cardinals will not bother larger shrimp. Especially if you get small ones.