What kind of fish do want for christmas?


I am hoping to get a cortez angle for my tank and lots of coral because I just got my lights for my coral so the lights are very bright.

sinner's girl

I got the 75gl with trigger and friends...and I didn't even know I wanted it. Sinner told me it was our christmas gift but it means they won't be anything under the tree.
But if Santa is listening I'd like a longer tank so I could have a yellow tang. I've been good, and I'll continue to be good. (Of course to make room for the tank I might have to kick Sinner out...or keep all his clothes in the car so I could have the tank were his dresser is...ummm....)


Santa i been good really!:D i would like a clown trigger! but will wait maybe 4-6 more months b4 getting 1.


i just got my new Christmas fish....one of my best friends bought me a blue tang, but said he would only get it if i named it after him(the narsicist!). needless to say "mitch" is doing well...had him a couple days.....


i would like a french angel or a golden puffer. i will take anything. or alot of anything.:D even some bright anythings.