What kind of fish do you keep in your 75g


Well i have my tank cycling right now but i am trying to deceide what to stock it with once it does become ready
and i was just wondering what you guys keep in your 75 gallons


I like mandarins, but not recommended for quite a while, they normally eat only pods. Definately not for a new tank. On the other hand, my wife loves firefish. They are kind of neat, and are a schooling fish, so 2 or more are recommended.
Are you planning on a reef tank, or just fish with live rock?


Active Member
Perculas, six line wrasse, maybe one yellow tang....
Not all at one time but like add one a month when your numbers get right...I would not put more than about 4 fish in there maybe more after your system matures...


Active Member
In my 70 I have 1 velvet damsel, 2 yellow tail damsels, 1 lawn mower blenny, and 1 watchman goby.


1 yellow tang
1tomato clown
1 scooter blenny
1 green chromis
(don't know what else to add yet)


I have 1 vlamingi(2" long), 1 regal(about 2" long), 1 neon psuedochromis(sp?), 1 bangaii cardinal, 2 ocellaris, 1 true percula, and 1 bar goby. The tank has been running for a little over a year and half and I'm in the process of setting up a 240 gallon where my tangs can live happily.


In our 75g we have:
1 Red Scooter Blenny-Really fun to watch!
1 Maroon Clown-Pretty IMO
1 Coral Beauty_Pretty but may be leaing due to picking on my sponge
2 small Blue Damsels-My wife Loves;)
1 Yellow Tang-Should be your last fish addition
Also multiple various corals..but as far as fish, we are done, and I think all will be happy for it!


In our 75 gallon we have:
2 - False Percs
1 - Hippo Tang
1 - Purple Fire Fish
1 - 4 Line Wrasse
1 - Lawn Mower Blenny
1 - Green Clown Goby
75 #1 yellow eyed tang, banded goby, silver cardinal , 2 three line damsels, brittle star and a bunch of hermits.
75 #2 picasso trigger , looking for a zebra morray to go with him.


you have a 29 gallon tank and you are going to have 300 watts?
Is that 4 75 watt 24" vhos?
That is what I have been thinking of setting up. Do you think that is too much light? Also, how are you going to fit all four lights over a 12" deep tank?
This is what I would like to do, just wondering.


Active Member
1 each:
sebae clown
spotted cardinal
orange chromis
scooter blenny
lawnmower blenny
Not sure what to add next, but 1 more and thats it. Then corals, maybe.


well if you like eels like i do then i would put in a snowflake eel. if you get them small and feed them when they're hungry then they wont harm a thing.