What Kind Of Fish Is This? Lol *PICTURE!!!*


hia i got this fish for the first hmm mabout 3 month about so nao i only get flakes? :/ and my dad brought it for me and dont know the name x.x some thing wrong with him... lol so i need help any one know this fish? and what speical food i should feed it? (not flakes)

lol so i last one is cute :3 it leik teh camera!!!! :3

Thx You Bai :3


Mandarin,Salfin Tang,Hippo Tang,2 Green Chrome,1 Yellow Tail Damsel , and Blue Throat Trigger :3

Good luck on your fish stew....this is a way overcrowded tank. IF you were an intelligent fish owner and cared about your fish, you would treat them better by retuning half of them or getting a bigger aquarium.Seeing as you just want to overstock the tank for the novelty and makeing it look more like a "feeder tank", along with the fact that you just want to act like an imbecile. Good luck, draining you "parents" pocket books.
For the sake of your fish...don't buy anymore


@dman THAT what i told my parent they are now stoping -.- it was like a 1 hour meeting about the fishy i toldthe STOP BUYING THE FISH ! they need more care! and they was like NO THEY DONT THEY ARE FISH THEY EAT AND SLEEP THAT ALL and i say NO IT NO just a fish ....


well if that is truly the case and I hope it is. This is good. keep researching and involve your parents in the search, print out materials and put them on your refrigerator.