Originally Posted by scottnlisa http:///forum/post/3240861
If you had a choice of any fish to live as, what would you be and why?
I would probably be a lionfish in one of Cranberry's tanks. Lionfish are pretty cool and I know that Cranberry is good at taking care of them. That way I could just relax all day and not have to work for my food. I imagine this would be a lot like a modeling.
Indo-Pacific Sailfish -- Istiophorus platypterus
The fastest fish in the sea, reaching speeds over 68mph.
Though reports are that Mako sharks are faster on bursts, but haven't been confirmed.
They are darn near the top of the food chain. And they also have a large range they travel. From California, all the way to New Zealand. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD7t057XIi8&feature=fvw