what kind of light that doesnt need a chiller



T-5s. Depending on your tank size and corals you want to keep, you may be able to get by with compact flouresents.


Active Member
I use 4" fans(4) in my canopy with VHO and MH. My tank is warmest during the night when lights are off.


Active Member
I have a 250 watt halide on a 32 gallon and 2x150 watt halides on a 20 gallon both connected to the same 20g sump and no chiller.


Active Member
Same as Viper but I run 3 250 Watt MH on my display and another 150 on my fuge and no chiller. I have a very large window fan built into my hood and my temp ranges from about 76 to 78. My AC died on us this past week and with temps in the house at 85 my temps never broke 80...I did cut my light time by 50%. A chiller is nice but not always needed.


Active Member
Yes, both are excellent choices. IMO, if you want to go with SPS then MH is the way to go but for everything else I think that T5 is excellent! However, there are many other factors that will dictate the growth of your coral and light albiet a big factor is not the only factor.


Active Member
IMO= in my opinion
SPS- Small polyp stony. (referring to 'hard' coral basically)
... you could always go for LED fixtures and spend your whole bank acct if you want to... They have the least heat


Active Member
Originally Posted by speeddemonlsr
Well what about VHO, how come nobody on the board seems to like them???
VHO are considered old technology. You can get the same or higher PAR ratings out of T5 using much less space and energy.