what kind of snails?



Nassarius snails are great sand sifters and cleaners. Every reef tank should have them.


I physically stir my saqndbed pretty much every day. The fisrt time made the tank all cloudy but now it doesn't.
Oh and I syphon the sand bed when I do water changes.
I have naussarius and although they burrow, they don't do much at all on the way of keeping it clean.


my conch disappears for days at a time and then pops up on the other side of the tank. I'd swear he had a secret tunnel under the Live Rock. I've got the narsissus snail too, and they are pretty fun to watch. They come flying out of the sand bed every time I put food in the tank.


Active Member
I got 20 nassarious snails from SWF.com last week and they mostly climb up and down the glass walls of my aquarium. I haven't seen much sandshifting, but the hermits are now happy that they have some fresh prey in the tank!


Active Member
I like Cerith snails. I have had TONS of Nassarius Vibex snails over the years, but look at them more of having a similar feeding pattern to starfish. They will eat stuff that hits the sand, but in the event that they start growing a little or become more aggressive towards feeding, the smaller ones seem to vanish. Cerith snails sift sand A LOT, dig into the sand bed and even feed off of a variety of algae.