What kind of Sponge is this? I was thinking of getting a sponge and think that this one looks very cool and want to get one so what is it called and do they sell these kind of sponges?
If I'm not mistaken they are illegal to have. They grow in protected reefs in Floridia and the carribean. Please correct me if I am wrong. I'd give up you'll just be heartbroken time and time again. They are beautiful and fasinating though.
Nooffence coral, but if you see it in the wild, and it gets big, dont try it at home, and also, especially near teh US. And dont try to find one because ittl put you in jail for dealing on or with teh black market.
like mscarpena
said it's illegal...... mainly all the nice corals are illegal
lol and i'd love to have one of these sea fans purple or red would be nice
i think its interestin that if you look up vase coral
all youll find are people selling dead sponges for decaration
really nice for and endangered coral dont you think?