What kind of tester kit for a new tank


What kind of tester kit do I buy for my kit. I am picking up a tank 5 hours away and transporting the tank and all of the old water as well as some new water I have prepared. What kind of kit to test the alk., nitrate, etc. Please Help!!!!! Thank you.


Active Member
Salifert is suppose to be the best but it costs around $100 for the complete kit. I use Hagen Master Kit tests 10 things "VERY" good instructions and cost me $60 "including shipping"


Active Member

Originally posted by Buckshott
Is there an on-line store for this?

Please note that links to competitors are not allowed on SWF, out of respect to the owner and operator of this board :) BTW, SWF sells some very good quality test kits.


Active Member
I havent seen one in a mag or anywere you would have to search a online retailer or something.