What kinda Crab?


I haven't taken pictures of my tank yet - In my live rock I found myself a crab, shoveling his mouth with something...
He is looks to be black - He has banded legs of what looks to be black/white and is about the size of a dime. I have in my tank right now some 3 Peppermint Shrimp (Can only find 2 atm though), 20 Turbo Snails, 8 Blue Hermits, 4 Scarlet Hermits.....
I've already caught one of my Blue Hermits trying to chomp on a snail and got'm outta the way. Is this Crab gonna start eating all my stuff?
I plan to get either a Royal Gramma or a Black Cap Basslet in the near future, don't wan't to find their hiding spot next to this crab )
If it helps my LR is Tonga Branch and Marshall Island.


He also has tons of hair on his legs.
IF anyone knows if this is good or bad please let me know, I have a chance now to remove him from the tank before he goes into hiding again.
I have (had?) one of these as well. Some people called it a teddy bear crab. Weather that is it's name or not, I couldn't tell you. So far he has not caused a probelm with anything.
Funny thing though. This morning I found a mutilated body of a crab next to my anemone. My emerald crab had also moved into the cave of the where the teddy bear crab was living. What happend last night is anyons guess, but I know for a fact that I am minus one crab.
Anyway, I suggest just keeping an eye on it. If it starts to cause problems, take it out. There are some pictures on the net of the teddy bear crab, and they kind of look like what I have and they kind of dont. good luck.