What lighting for an anemone


Active Member
110w over what size tank? What kind of light? I'm thinking VHO... but can you confirm?
I'm thinking it's a 110w VHO, which is a 4' long lamp. That means your tank is probably a 55g at least. No anemone that hosts a clown will do well - if it survives at all - under that sort of lighting.


Active Member
thanks for the info. I dont think my lighting is good enough what lighting would you reccomend for an anemone that hosts clownfish, in a 55g tank. How much should i be prepared to spend. Thank you very much.


Active Member
T5 or Halide is what I'd recommend.
VHO and PC are obsolete technolgies.
A 6 lamp T5 system with individual reflectors would be more than adequate. A 2 lamp, 175w halide system would also be great for anemones.
For a 55g tank, I'd recommend a bubble tip anemone and a maroon clown. A 55g tank is too small for most anemones, in fact a BTA is pushing it some, but it should work.
For a decent system, expect to pay no less than about $350.