What lighting is good enough ?

Well I just bought some live rock and some feather dusters have appeared on them. So I was wondering what lighting should I use that are good enough for $140?
Would I be able to use on two T5 bulb fixtures or the ones with 4 of them?
Thank You _Robert_


Active Member
I don't think dusters care what kind of lights, I think they are filter feeders.
What else are you planning on putting in tiour tank? If you're going to want corals or clams you're going to need more light.
Well i wanted like one bubble coral and some other soft coral and thats it besides the feathers. The rest are fish. What type of lighting will Flame Scallops required? My tanks dimensions are as follow 48"in lenght by 12 inches in width by 19 inches in height


Active Member
I would look into a 4 bulb T5 setup, TEK and aquactnics are the best, nova might be fine with the corals you listed with good placement. It is correct that the feather dusters don't need light but the others you listed do, not sure about flame scallops.