What lighting should I use?


Ok I ditched the standard light the tank came with and asked the LFS what light would be best for LR, corals and inverts in a 25 gal tank. They gave me a 15 watt, marine glo, it's blue. Is this enough light to sustain some beginer corals & inverts? I'm thinking the wattage needs to be higher? The 25 gal hood is a standard 10 gal hood-so really the only length they had was 18 inch marine glo that would fit my tank. If not good enough where can I find one that is, please let me know. Thanks :notsure:


Not near enough light.
I have a 25 gallon with a 65 watt pc, those should be the right length.
2x 65 watt of those would allow you to keep most corals.


Yea thats what I thought..dang those people. I asked too, are you sure this is all I need to the guy. But we only have two shops here and the other one is mostly FW and don't carry alot of stuff, especially lights. My fault I should have found out before I went to the store, but it was one of those oh yea I need a better light situations. Do you know of a place online thats has decent shipping prices-I don't have any choice now-I will need two of them. Can I use it for a 10 gal? Or is it just a pretty blue light? Thanks for your help