What lights are adequate??



if you did two 150watt metal halides with either 2 t5s or 2 vho....you should be able to keep just about anything....what are the tank dimensions??


Active Member
You can keep anemones with a LOT of fluorescent light or an average amount of halides.
I started keeping anemones in my 55 with 440 watts of VHO, (2) 110 watt Super Actinic and (2) Actinic 03.
I then moved to (2) 175 watt 14K halides
Then switched to 10K halides with (2) 54w Actinic 03 T5 HOs
All have been fine, so there's three things you can try right there.
I also keep them in a Nano Cube 24 with a 150W 14K halide pendant.