What lights should I get for my 29 gallon?


I'm interested in having a reef tank, I have around 30-40 lbs of LR, and I have a clarkii clown and some chromis. Anyways, what kind of lighting should I get and where can I get it at. I only want some basic corals like mushrooms and polyps.


if you do not plan on purchasing hard corals you will be ok buying a power compact system. But if you start to go all out and buy hard corals you will need more intense light than that.
What size tank do you have and how deep is it that will help you to decide the wattage and kelvin bulbs you will need.


oh and for a good deal you can check the classifieds and trading section on this website. They don't allow you to send people to other sights here but do a search for hell0 l1ghts on google they usually have some good deals


I have a 29g. I got the Coralife 30" 2x65w CF hood. It comes with 2 of the 50/50 bulbs. I just replaced them with one actinic and one 10k. To use the dusk dawn effect.