What makes it "live"


hey gang,
I am still confuse about live sand or live rocks vs. plain sand or rocks. As I far as my understanding goes.
1. Live Sand: contain good bacteria that neutralized toxcins. The question i have is that with time bacteria will grow on the regular sand or filter or what ever in the tank right? Some might define "live" as tinny animal that live in. which is it?
2. Live Rock: Similar to above
I know buying Live sand and rocks will help the tank "cycle" faster. Plain sand and rocks will develop good bacteria with time too. So, are paying the BIG bucks for tinny animals or bacteria?
Please feel free to comment on this issue.... i am in search for more knowedge... someday i can be like Mr. Salty........

David C. Phan, D.C., B.S.

mr . salty

Active Member
Yes,"cured live rock" is rock that already has bacteria living in it.Not necisarily alot of stuff on the outside,but bacteria on the inside.STEVE