What media (if any) for my Eheim 2213??


New Member
I've got a 29 gal. FOWLR (will add some easy beginner corals when the time is right). I've got 1" shallow sand bed, 28 lbs. of LR, 2 powerheads, and an Eheim 2213 canister filter.
Tanks been up since May, but one month ago I replaced my CC/UGF with the shallow sand bed so my tank probably went through a mini cycle while the new dead sand became live. Since my LR and LS should take care of my bio filtration I'd like to remove the bio-media from my Eheim - I just don't know what to replace it with?? I figure I could fill it with mechanical media and carbon or maybe just run it empty for circulation and add an extra gallon or so to the tank.
Any thoughts/suggestions??


Active Member
IMO, I would add carbon. Put some carbon in for a week, run empty for a week, and then put some more in for another week. works for me.


New Member
Thanks for the suggestions!
Doing this though would leave me without any mechanical filtration...would that be a problem?


It sounds crazy, but you don't really need mechanical filtration in a reef tank. The corals, featherdusters and other creatures act as living mechanical filters. Now you may want a protein skimmer. I don't have one so I can't give you any advice on that.
Also, you need to be careful as far as removing the media from your eheim. Do it gradually or you'll probably get another minicycle.
There's a lot of different opinions concerned as far as running carbon in a reef tank. Do a search on the reef tanks message board regarding carbon. Get some more info so you can make a more informed decision.