What next....


Active Member
Ok guys heres what I have:
Sebae Anemone
Long Tentacle Anemone
2 Percula Clownfish
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Cleaner Shrimp
Its a 55 Gallon with a 10 Gallon Wet/Dry.
Any suggestions on what to add next. Everything in the tank seems to be doing fine and I don't want to ruin the community. Can't have anything that will eat or attack anything in my tank or jump out the tank.
Please help. I want to add 2 more fish over the next month and another anemone suggestions. Corals are about another 3-4 months away for me.


Originally Posted by Xcali1985
Ok guys heres what I have:
Sebae Anemone
Long Tentacle Anemone
2 Percula Clownfish
Coral Beauty Angelfish
Cleaner Shrimp
Its a 55 Gallon with a 10 Gallon Wet/Dry.
Any suggestions on what to add next. Everything in the tank seems to be doing fine and I don't want to ruin the community. Can't have anything that will eat or attack anything in my tank or jump out the tank.
Please help. I want to add 2 more fish over the next month and another anemone suggestions. Corals are about another 3-4 months away for me.
as far as fish go if i were you i'd add 1 or 2 very small fish at the most. no tangs, lg. angels, etc. some type of goby would do good, but not a mandarin. any type of clown goby or firefish is a smart add. if you consider your coral beauty your "show fish" and your biggest fish your 55 will do great.
if you have the lighting water quality and flow id start some begginer corals. good luck!


Active Member
my LFS has firefish but im told that they will jump out of the tank. How threating are the gobys to my snails?
Also are firefish excellent anemone food, i want a carpet in the future.
I was also considering a Scooter Blenny i like them for some reason, I saw a red and white one the other day.


New Member
I have a 38G reef tank and added a, MIDAS BLENNIE a few weeks ago and he's been awesome. After a couple of days hiding in his spot on the reef he comes out all the time. This fish doesn't require a lot of space and are very peaceful. They are also coral and invert safe. After just a couple of days mine was eating pellet food just like the rest of the tank. Midas Blennies also change colors depending on feeding times, stressed, etc.
I have to disagree with the above post. My Mandarin Dragonet has been a great hardy fish. Some people don't like them because they have a very strict diet of copepods. All you need to do is add a bottle of LIVE copepods to breed in your tank and the Dragonet will have a food supply for three months.
If you want to add inverts I would say a FIRE SHRIMP and BOXING crabs (AKA-POM POM crabs) are a great choice. Fire Shrimp are bright red with white spots and is considered a cleaner shrimp. My fire shrimp gets along with all of my fish and inverts. The cleaner "skunk" shrimp and him get along just fine. The BOXING crab are cool because they use tiny little annemonies for defense.