What Next


Ok, so I am trying to get some options as to what to add to my tank next. Here is what I am working with. 90gal tank, 30 gal sump. 145lbs of LR, 95lbs of LS. Dual 175WT MH and dual 96wt T5 Act's.
So far in the tank I have a pair of True Percs, Blue Hippo Tang, Algae Blenny, Royal Gamma, Pink Line Psyudochromie, 6 Line Wrasse, Sally Lightfoot Crab, abotu a dozen hermits (scarlet, red tip, yellow tip) about 2 dozen snails (bumblebee, margarita, turbos, ninja asteria's. I alos had 4 peppermint shrimp - havent seen them in a month or so.
As for corals, the list is too long to write... I do like the pink lip anthilias (sp) perhaps a school of them, the 1 female and her herim?


Active Member
Anthias are beautiful fish but water quality has to be pristine for them as they can be finicky eaters.
A school of cardinals would also be nice. Lots of interesting species of cardinal fish out there.
A pair of fairy wrasses would really jazz up the tank as


I would like something schooling if possible. The clowns are paired, although the bigger clown seesm to like to swin with the tang more then the other clown, they seem to be inseperable. With the gobies... I can only have one correct? I must choose wisely... Are their any I should stay away from, i.e. non reef/coral safe? As for cardinals; whats a good or typical number for a school? All of my fish are an inch or smaller at this point, I know they grow, but at 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons of water, I still have a lot of room to work with.