what next


New Member
My 30gl tank is all but cycled now and I am wondering what the next step is. The way the numbers have been going I believe it will be cycled in few days. I am not in a big hurry but I am just wondering what to do next. I would like to add more LR at some point seeing how I only have about 15lbs right now. Another question is what exactly is a clean up crew and what should I get for my tank? I plan to just start out with a fish only tank. Any coments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for all the help.


Up in Comer:
Well I can answer one question for you. A clean up crew is basically: snails, crabs, or anything of that nature that is a invert. I would suggest taking a peek at swf.com u build it just to the left of this screen. I do suggest more LR, but at this point it might hurt your cycle (stop it or recycle). The clean up crew really depends on fish you want. Some fish like cuc for dinner and snacks. So tell us what you want and we can probably help you more. Good luck. I will let others help you with the LR. HTH


Active Member
well if you get cured (or near cured) i would add it now before any thing else to make sure the tank stablizes (amonia) then as mmslue mention clean up crew


If you were planning to add a large amount of live rock, I would do that first of all. With the new live rock, you may go through a new cycle or a mini-cycle. So it would be best to get that out of the way before adding any livestock. I would then add you livestock, fish, shrimp, and corals next. I wouldnt add the cleanup crew until there was actully something to clean. Without any algae, some members of your cleanup can die.


New Member
thank you for the information and your time, I appreciate it. Im not sure exactly what kind of fish we plan to get but I would like to have a few damsels, an Angel or two, but most of all I would realy like to get a sea horse. I have ot even seen one at my lfs yet but they said they would be getting another one soon. Are they much differet from the fish? Thanks again for all your help.


Always glad to help. One thing though. Seahorses are probably one of the hardest "fishes" to keep in the aquarium up there with Natiluas. I would recommned holding on the seahorse till you have experience with saltwater. I dont want to be a party pooper, I just dont want you to buy a beautifull seahorse and see it pass away. Well good luck and have fun. Always remember we all here at swf.com are here to help.


Active Member
I want to add to what mmslue79 said about seahorses. They are a very passive fish that needs a tank with minimal circulation. They also need to be kept with other passive fish so that they don't have any competition for food. The only fish that wouldn't outcompete them is a pipefish. You can read more about seahorses at
seahorse.org. You also mentioned you wanted an Angel or two. You can have an angel in a 30gal, but you are constrained to the dwarf (centropyge) species. Your best bet for a 30 would be the pygmy angel, though the flame or coral beauty are other good bets. Just make sure that you are only putting one in the tank, as angels don't like others of their own kind. And you don't want to add them to your tank until it has become established with algae and other LR growth after about 6-8 months.