What next?


I am on my way to the LFS tomorrow to buy another fish. I have a 30gal and right now I only have an ocellaris clown in there. What fish should I get next?
I am thinking about a 6 Line Wrasse. The only concern I have is that it may decrease my population of critters. Should this be a concern?
Any other suggestions?


Active Member
Why not get your clown a buddy? clown pairs look really cool, especially in smaller tanks.
If not...how about a goby of some sort? diamond, yellow head?
firefish are cool, so are royal gramma's...umm my mind is gone blank now!
About the sixline, mine eats nothing but frozen food and seaweed selects....Wasn't hard to get him to eat it at all,...he just sorta did it on his own..


Active Member
Many sixlines become acclimated to eating prepared foods. Mine very rarely is seen eating pods off the rock anymore. I've seen pods float by him in the tank and he watches them go by. Sixlines are great. If it still concerns you, go with a royal gramma. Great fish. Both are very active also.


The funniest thing is that my clown has eaten a TON of pods already. I thought he would only eat prepared foods. I used to see critters all over the rocks, now I hardly see any.