New Member
My 55 gal was set up for 6 weeks. 2 perc, 2 yellow tail damsels doing fine. No inverts. Went to LFS and added flame angel and yellow tang. On day 5 the tang was covered in white pinhead "cysts". The angel was not eating. All water parameters are fine. I tried a fresh water dip but within 24 hours the tang was dead. I also added one dose of cupramine to the tank and turned off UV as stated on the bottle. The angel is still not eating and looks like his fins are ragged and his mouth looks like white lipstick. My guess is he'll go too. I figured I should hypo and I've begun to do that. My question is... the percs and damsels are doing fine, now what. Should I hypo for 6 weeks. I bought a QT last night but I did not set it up yet. What are my options?