what order should I add


Active Member
i have a 75 gallon tank and i want to know what order i should add a dwarf lion,snowflake eel and a finally a lunar wrasse or a niger trigger,which of those last 2 or will both of them go with the lion and the eel


if you go with a trigger put it in last...if you go with the wrasse put it in first...
as far as the lion and the eel you could go with either one but i personally would do the lion before the eel...
1. wrasse
2. lion
3. eel
1. lion
2. eel
3. trigger
personally i would go with the second list but either one would work...


Active Member
never add a wrasse first. it will assert dominance in the tank and kill or harrass any newcomers relentlessly. eel, lion, trigger/wrasse. it really doesnt matter whether the eel or the lion is added first as neither are very territorial. bo


thanks grouper...i never heard that about wrasses before...i heard of a case where a wrasse was bullied by it's tankmates so that is why i had it first...


Active Member
no problem man, all fish are different, some lunares my be peaceful, some may be wussies, and some may be the meanest, baddest, fish in the tank. it all depends on the fish. the lfs just took in a big lunare that was getting beat up by a large panther pretty bad. bo


I think you could do all four.. but since you are talking about adding new livestock I will assume this is a new tank.. so my response pertains to that situation. I would..
1. eel then wait a month.. snow's are hardy
2. lion let it claim its space in the tank.
3. wrasse It will quickly learn to leave the lion alone..
4. trigger I would get a picasso instead of a huma. I think if you add it last it will do good and not be agressive.. my picasso is scared of my hippo tang because he know's his place.. :D plus picasso's look better.. IMO..
but again there is no right way to do it.. you know fish have itsy bitsy brains.. but they have HUGE ego's and attitudes... thats why I think all fish are female.. :D :D :D JUST KIDDING.. god I see the tomatoes flying already..