what order to add to the tank


New Member
Ok, now I am convinced to us sand instead of CC. I will be using Lr and sand. What order do I put things in and when I add the water should it be mixed already or can I put the water in and then add the salt. If I have the LR do I need the dead shrimp or does the die off of the rock substitute for the shrimp.
I must say I love this site. Sometimes it cracks me up about the shrimp vs the Molly.
Thanks for taking the time to respond


Well-Known Member
Gee i guess i won't mention the molly thing. :D Glad you enjoy.
It is best to mix the saltwater before placing in the tank.
Put in sand, arrange the rocks then add mixed water. A plate to spread out the water will help prevent a sand storm.
I highly recommend you add macro algae/plants right from the beginning. This will help reduce ugly algaes, complete the nitrogen cycle, balance, and stablize the system.
I recommend you run the system for at least three weeks before adding a fish. this will allow fish borne parasites (ICH) to die off from lack of a host fish.
Take it slow
take it slow
take it slow.
welcome to saltwater tanks.


so, having ls and lr out of water (as in having it in the tank before adding water) won't hurt it??
and you should still use that piece of shrimp!;)