What other fish can I add?


New Member
We have a 9 month old 48 gal tank, fish only, crushed coral substrate. We still have the 2 damsels(about 2" each) we cycled the tank with as well as a northern puffer (about 3")we caught at the beach. My lfs said to get rid of these fish if I wanted to add anything else. Is he right or just mean?
If he's just mean what do you suggest?
Thanks again. :)


Active Member
IMO, that just depends, they are both aggressive and fin nippers, so you will be limited in your choice, but you could keep them if you plan around them, but me, i'd ditch them, esp for your size tank, because the puffer will get bigger and you will prabably max out your system
your tank should only have @ 10 inches of fish total, and your 2 damsels are (?) more than likely at least a 3 inch fish(ea.), depending on the species(most are 3 in)