What other fish to get?


New Member
I have a 29 gallon FOWLR but will be getting corals later when I get my new lights. I have only 3 fish now: Maroon stripe clownfish, royal dottyback, and valentini puffer.
The maroon is the biggest while the other two are rather small. They have been in there for a year and seem happy. No illnesses or such.
I know my tank is small and I have about 25 lbs of LR and will be adding corals. Any other recommended reef safe fish for me? I was thinking flame angel but that might be too big a fish.
Edit: So would adding another clown (percula) cause any problems. I've read that clowns generally are aggresive towards each other but not sure about the maroon gold.


i don't think percs usually get along well w/ other clownfish. i only wish i had a tank big enough for a maroon...


yeah yeah, id go for a blennie. They're usually pretty small. Bi-Color blennies are well cool :joy:


Active Member
i wouldnt get a different species of clown with that maroon . maroons are the most aggressive clown you can get.


New Member
Well I traded in my valentini puffer because he was going to be a nuisance for the corals. Got a few emerald crabs
I will take all of your suggestions into consideration. Thanks