What protein skimmer...


What protein skimmer is the best for a 125 - 180 gal tank???

Please give suggestions!!!
Im planning in adding a 125 to 180 gal tank in the next couple of months...
I have a "space" perfect for an aquarium & Im looking for options... 8 feet + by 2 feet +. Thats why Im looking in the 125 - 180g options.
As I said... give suggestions!!!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
MSX 200 or 250
joncat it seems you are a big fan of the MSX ,If you dont mind me asking what other skimmer have you had to compare.I am considering MSX as my next skimmer for my 125 and i would like to here some more about it.And can this skimmer be ran out of sump?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
joncat it seems you are a big fan of the MSX ,If you dont mind me asking what other skimmer have you had to compare.I am considering MSX as my next skimmer for my 125 and i would like to here some more about it.And can this skimmer be ran out of sump?
Currently, they do not have an external model. There is rumor of one later this year. I have used octopus, MRC, ETSS, coralife so far. MSX is the last one I will ever use. The air pull, wattage for the pumps, overall design and cost makes them, by far, the best dollars you can spend on a skimmer...IMO


i would agree with joncat here. Now i have had to make some adjustments to my msx 160 it is by far the best skimmer I have had. The only one's I have had that was even somewhat respectable was the ETSS sumpbuddy 40 and the bermuda 3c but they used a very large pump in comparison.