what r the 10 most colorfull fish you can have in a 30 gallon salt water tank

mr . salty

Active Member
To acually answer your question, A couple of my favorites are ,Emperor angel(juv.),Lunare Wrasse,Manderine gobie,clown fish, Royal gamma,Flame angel,Coral beauty angel. I could go on but yhere's a few of the more colorful ones.I'm sure there are more. STEVE


Ten fish are too many for a 30. I do have some suggestions though.
Option 1:
one coral beauty (awesome!!)
one percula clown
one 6 line wrasse
one yellow tail damsel
one scarlet hawkfish
Option 2:
one flame angel
one tomato clown
one firefish
one bluehead wrasse
Option 3:
one snowflake moray
one small puffer
Option 4:
three blue damsels
one coral beauty
one cardinal fish
I know it is tempting to put more and more fish in there, but you must resist this if you want to succeed. You can mix and match these recommendations, but use common sense. Don't put a damsel in there with a moray. Don't put a small clown in with a lion. Please don't put too many fish in there. This is saltwater. Saltwater fish require more water per fish than freshwater fish do.
Maximum is maybe one inch of small fish per 2.5 gallons, more gallons per inch of larger fish.


look in the new edition of "aquariums", i think that is the name of the magazine. i will be on the stands of most book stores. i has an article on the best and most liked marine fish out there. gives tips on capatability and care. very very good article. pictures and everything.


The emperor will get too big for the 30gal. The lunare wrasse might be too aggressive in a small area for some of the other fishes listed. I would not put more than 5 fishes that are small in a thirty (I've tried). My 5 choices in a 30 gal. would be a Maroon Clown, a flame angel, royal gramma, surgeon tang, and a cleaner shrimp. Just my opinion.