What recommended lighting for 10gal fuge?


I just want to start with a 10gal fuge to grow some Caulerpa/grape.....does macro need high lighting?( I have read it needs light 24/7)


Active Member
You could get along with just a regular flourscent top the need light 24/7 or opposite of what your tank runs or reverse daylight.You could get a power compact it depends on how fast you want it to grow


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You can do a search for LOA or Lights of America. They have an 18w fixture that costs $25 or so. Many on this board say it is the best (budget) light for growing Caulerpa. That said, after two trips to both Lowes and Home Depot, I have yet to find the light. I have seen it online search "Lights of America refugium" on google.
On My tank. I have 2X20w NO's on my fuge. You want to get a 5500K or 6500K light for the best algae growth. LOA is 6500K. I leave my lights on 24/7 it prevents the Caulerpa from going asexual (releasing its absorbed garbage back into the tank) Leaving the lights on also prevents a PH spike at night.


Active Member
I gave another member on here my old 10g fuge. He went to ***** and bought a cheap NO light with a powerglo bulb in it. His caluerpa is out of control. He has to trim it back all the time. I would recomend the same for you if money is anykind of issue.


I have 2-50w plant bulbs over my 7g fuge.
posted a similar question last week and no one had a problem with this lighting.
the bulbs were $6 each and the fixtures were $6 each.


I use a fan on low pointed towards the fixtures. They are cool as can be. it's not moist at all where they are placed. can't speak of the electricity yet - we'll see...maybe I'll have to make a change.


yeah, the Mag 9.5 works well. I think the 12 would be too much. Have a couple of Ts off of the return. the 90g can handle 500gph according to AGA. I think I should be somewhat close to around there. It works for me.


Active Member
Trust me guys the 12 is too much. AGA is being conservative it can handle 600-700 gph, depending on standpipe.


Active Member
Hey James what do you mean by flowing OVER the slots. Do you mean like actual rising over the the overflow box instead of going through the slots?


Active Member
I'm thinking the 9.5 would do it. If you turned the return into another drain then you could do a mag 12.