What reference books should I have?


It seems like I can never give an answer to questions. I don't have much experience. Are there any good reference books that are a must?
I've been trying to find information on Woods Polyps and haven't had much luck on the internet.
Maybe I'm using the wrong search engine. Any suggestions? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


i have copies of J. Sprung's Reefnotes, Corals: A Quick Reference, and The Reef Aquarium, Volume II (Sprung and Delbeek). the Reefnotes book is a composition of years of questions and answers he published in his column in FAMA and is a great tool for finding information on very specific problems. Corals: A Quick Reference is a compilation of husbandry and hardiness characteristics for most hard and soft corals you will see in the trade. Finally, the last book is a really good reference for the care and husbandry requirements for softies and anemonies. hope this helps :)


Active Member
I would suggest Natural Reef Aquariums by John Tullock, and/or Aquarium Corals by Eric Borneman. I have some other good books listed on the suggested reading page of my web site. About the woods polyps, you will find it very difficult to find anything on a coral using its common name, unless of course its a very common coral like a bubble or brain, but even then there are tons of different corals refered to as brain corals. HTH


New Member
I am a complete newbie so I would let the others comment on this post. "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael Paletta is a great book and helping me out a lot. However "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner is also giving me a lot of great info. I just spent over $170 dollars in books with in the past week. All of the books above I either have or are going to be bought soon. I guess you could call me a book collector right now :)


I just got Barron's "The Complete Guide to Saltwater Aquariums". It's pretty sweet. I'm new to Saltwater so this is a great introduction book that covers everything. :)


I would throw in vol 1 of Thre Reef Aquarium (sprung and Delbeek).
All the books mentionded are great!!
bgreen - it is refreshing to see someone new to the hobby investing in books!!! You will get your investment back tenfold when you really get into the hobby (if you are not already :) )


The Marine Aquarium Problem Solver by tetra press is pretty good for newbies, me being one myself
The Conscientious Reef Aquariest is definately necessary and Julian Sprung's Quick Reference Guide for Corals is good also, it helps with where to put your corals and what to feed them. Very informative books, I suggest them both!!
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/reeftank125" target="_blank">www.geocities.com/reeftank125</a>


Definately the Julian Sprung books and I would look into Bob Goeman's booklets as well.
Matt Rogers
<a href="http://www.threestepstoareefaquarium.com" target="_blank">http://www.threestepstoareefaquarium.com</a>