what salt do u guys use?


Active Member
i have been using instant ocean but my last trip to my lfs i noticed how there were about ten different brands all claming to have something the other one did not....i am just wondering what all of you guys use and if one is actually better than another...or whether salt is salt....


Active Member
I use IO or reef crystals. IDK if their is much of a difference in salts (some say their is)


Active Member
I use Reef Crystals now, but I plan on switching to Tropic Marin Pro Reef after I'm done with my current bag. -- is somewhat high in alk at about 12-13 dkh and they use a cheap chelated calcium, which is harder for the corals to use. Tropic Marin has non-chelated calcium.


I've used Tropic Marin Pro Reef, IO Reef Crystals both worked well for me ... I saw an interesting ad for Coral Pro Salt made by Red Sea, the ad claims "specially formulated salt for use with Reverse Osmosis Water" "guaranteed water parameters: pH 8.2; Calcium 450 ppm; Alkalinity: 2.2 - 2.5 meg/l" anyone use this kind??


I have heard tropic marin is preferred by many of the "experienced" in the hobby..
i use reef crystals by IO

nemo's mom

IO for me as well. I tried Red Reef before and my Calcium was really low-could have been a bad batch but I like IO much better


*Link Removed*
This is a good link to a thrid party's study of different salts.
This should be plenty of information that can help you with your decisions...


I use instant ocean, I read that study & its good, however it does state that since the study
most salt mixes have been changed, only to benefit us :cheer: (I hope)


Active Member
I started with Oceanic, but my calcium was always through the roof. I switched to Instant Ocean, which has been SLOWLY bringing my calcium down (because I think it's somewhat low on calcium). On the advice of many, I am now switching (likely permanently) to Tropic Marin.