What Shark Do I Want


Active Member
I like white spotted bamboo's over brown because they stay smaller, and i like there coloration more. but i really want to get a grey bamboo as i dont think i have ever seen anyone with one, but i just dont have enough info on them?? can anyone fill me on on greys??
unfortunatly im goin to have to order all of my fish online. and i know sharks, rays etc. dont come with live arrival gaurantee so im very nervous? did anyone have a good experience getting a shark or ray online?
i was at my LFS today and he told me there is no such thing as a cali ray or yellow ray
. he also proceeded to tell me that blue spot's live for 3-4 years EASY, and they are a hardy species....We all know this isnt true... Thus with this CRAZY info he was telling me i refuse to have him try and order anything for me...


Originally Posted by mitzel
I like the whitespotted bamboo... it's not generally seen.


Active Member
by gray bamboo what are you talking about exactly? the banded bamboos lose there stripes as they grow and turn gray.. is this what you were talking about... im a little confused


Active Member
Chiloscyllium griseum.. or they grey bamboo shark.. i beleive noone on here has one, thus i will be ordering mine next week


Active Member
well we all know alot of sharks and other animals are reluctant to feed especially if your shipping them, but i might as well take the chance at raising one. and he wont be able to pass up the crabs, damsels, snails, etc. in my tank!! hopefully....
oh ya and i have a 205 gallon tank