What should I add??


I have a 92 gallon corner tank that I'm looking to add a few fish to. Currently I have a Fire Clown, Yellow Saddled Clown, Huma Huma Trigger, Green Spotted Puffer, Hawk Fish, Sleeper Goby, two small Damsels, large Hermit Crab, and a Choc Chip Starfish.
I was thinking about adding a Yellow Tang and Blue Hippo Tang at the same time. I'd love to add a Porcupine Puffer, but I'm not sure if two puffers can live together.
What do you think about my potential additions? Any better ideas?


8 fish are too many for a 92 gallon tank? As far as the Damsels go, the Trigger, Puffer, and Hawk leave them alone. The only fish that don't get along are the two clowns. However, one stays in the front, and one stays in the back. It doesn't seem to cause any issues. The only must for me, is additonal fish must be aggresive eaters. If not, the Trigger, Hawk, Puffer, and Clowns will get all of the grub!


If you go by the rule of 1 inch of fish for every 5 gallons of water and you get all 10 fish you listed in your pose that leaves you with 1.84 inches per fish and some of the figh you have get pretty big when they are grown.


I really don't believe in the 1 inch of fish per five gallons rule. I've always had much more than that and everything's always been healthy. I believe it depends on the filtration. Right now I have a blue-spotted boxfish, two percs, a cleaner wrasse, a mandarin, a cardinal, a royal gramma, a fire fish, a coral beauty, a diamond goby, two fire shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, an arrow crab, 12 red legs, and three emerald crabs in a 75 gallon tank. They're all active and happy, and my tank doesn't look crowded at all. I may have to get rid of the boxfish if he gets too large, but the rest stay fairly small.
Anyway, my advice would be to get fish that don't get very large. Tangs and puffers can get pretty big and need a lot of room. I'm also kind of surprised that your trigger and puffer aren't trying to eat your crab and star fish. Back when I had predators I added a brittle star to my tank. Needless to say, my clown trigger had an expensive meal that day.