What should I buy?


I'm looking for a fish smaller than percula clownfish, yellow or blue coloration, and a mild temper. Any suggestions? Yellowtail blue damsel would be perfect, but I got to see just how aggresive they really are at my lfs.


Where might I find a picture or perhaps order some since my lfs doesn't carey anything that is called an "assessor" nor does this website? However, this is the chance thatI'm misunderstanding you and you're telling me to consider the yellow or blue damsel.


He is pretty, but why can't I keep more than one in an aquarium? Are they aggressive with their own kind? No matter, I still want one.


I would go with chromis, they are a type of damsel except they are much less agressive. I dont think acessors come in blue i think they only come in purple and in yellow.


Active Member
The RG are agressive toward each other unless they are mated or it is a large tank.
Choose a healthy fish with no missing scales, spots or ripped fins.
They seem to do best in good water quality.
They will eat pods and any other live food and they will eat flakes and other prepared food.
They are alittle strange at their swiming habits. They will go in caves and rest under corels. Sometimes resting straight up or down, sometimes upside down. They don't swim to much out in the open. They will defend their territory by opening their mouths real wide.
Great fish, enjoy.