What should I do about this Parasite?


I have had this yellow tang for about 3 months and evertime he shows symptoms of a parasite my local fish store tells me to give him a couple of fw dips until he is better. It has came back now for the 3rd time and i dont think that the fw dip is the way to go. i have treated the water with "no ich." :confused:


Active Member
hi and welcome to the board,
Well it seems to me like dealing with the issue is not as good as dealing with the source. we need to find out why your fish is getting it so it doesnt again. Can you post all details about your tank, water source, parameters etc?
Reef safe medications are often very unsuccessful.
What you need is a Quaranteen Tank (QT) and then you can perform something called hyposalinity. If you look at the FAQ at the top of this forum it will tell you everything you need to know.
All the best,


Parasite is not visible. LFS said it is probably internal. My water source is strait out of the faucet, dechlorinated then added salt.
Can you set up a QT tank if it has been used in the past for fw fish? What are FO lights?
15 gal tall
reef tank
12lbs of lr
??lbs of live sand - 1inch level across bottom
1 false percula clown
1 yellow tang
1 orange diamond goby
1 coral banded shrimp
1 turbo snail


Active Member
HI there,
OK water source; this may or may not be something to do with Ich but water tap quality isnt good enough for a reef, or really a FOWLR. I used tapwater for ages and had loads of problems, but you were need to use Reverse Osmosisised Water (RO) if not De-Ionised as well (RO/DI). They are about $130 or so, or you can normally buy the water from your LFS. That solves a lot of problems.
Can I ask how you add the salt? When you get the water what do you do with it? Step by step please :)
Yes a QT tank can be any tank really, just rinse it properly. Normally its good to cycle it for 3 weeks, but in this case it'll be ok if you do a water change every day.
All the best,


pH = 8.3 Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 5 SG = 1.023 Temp = 75/76
I fill a 4 gal bucket with water dechlorinate it then add the salt right out of the bag with a measuring cup (usually takes 2 cups). Then i take the mixed water and pour it into the tank with a plate underneath to slow the current of the dropping water.


Active Member
OK im sure beth will fill in for me here as I have to go to work, but 1) is the water heated? 2) you should let the water and salt mix for at least 24 hours in a rubbermaid or something with a powerhead and heater to oxygenise the water and allow the full completion of changing pH levels.
Hope this helps,