what should I do in this situation?


Here's the situation:
I have a 75 gal FOWLR tank that I'm planning on converting into a reef tank and a 30 gal reef tank that I'm planning on dismantling because of costs. The 75 has a powder blue tang and a purple pseudo. The reef only has a mandarin. I wanna take everything from the reef to the 75.
Here's the problem:
I'm 100% positive that the 75 is disease free. I had a problem with ich on my pbt for a long time. Finally I quarantined the pbt and pseudo in copper and left the 75 fishless for 4 weeks. That's the first time I ever followed completely through on an ich treatment and can you believe it it actually worked! After about 3 weeks I thought the pbt would die but he managed to pull through. Anyway as far as the reef goes I'm not sure if it's ich free. I had ich in it once upon a time but my mandarin has shown no signs of it and it's been about 2 months. If it were any other fish than a mandarin I would put him in copper just to be safe and wait 4 weeks like before, but my mandarin only eats copepods and they won't survive in copper. I thought the safest thing to do would be to put the mandarin in a 30 gal quarantine w/out any treatments and wait four weeks to put the inverts in the 75. The only reason why I'm so freaked out about quarantined things is I know from experience that if there's even a minute amount of ich that finds it's way near the tang he'll come down with it. Then I'll be back up #$*& creek! So would that be the best thing to do? Then just keep an eye on the mandarin a little longer.


Staff member
Why don't you just leave things as is for another month see if anything develops with the mandarin. The problem with the mandarin, as you said, it only eats copepods. Thus, it is very hard to feed it in a QT. Also copepods won't suvive hypo either.


New Member
I have had good succsess with a product called kick ick it is reef safe I never lost anything when I treated with it. Good Luck