what should i do now


Active Member
i have a 75 gallon fowlr that has been up for 2 months i cycled with 4 yellow tailed damsels, 3 died now i have one left amm and trites are at 0 is it safe to add a snowflake or a lion now 35 lbs lr in the tank


Active Member
definitely what filtration are you using, with an aggressives set up, you should have some aggressive skimming going on, and a dsb or some adde ehlp, more lr is good too, especiallywiht this type of eel
and yes, i agree the cycle sounds over and fish could probably be added now(slowly)


Active Member
the damsel died a while back, i plan on a dwarf or a antennata lion, I am using an emperoro 400 and a maxijet 1200 powerhead and plan on a bak pak or some other kind of skimmer, also about 50 mor lbs of rock. If i was too put the eel in tomorrow how long should i wait until i put in the lion


Active Member
i try to wait about a month before getting any new additions, and this is based upon how wel my system is adjusting, if it stabilizes well, then maybe 3 weeks but i don't ever go any sooner, maybe longer if need be, but with one fish, if all water holds well then 3 ro 4 weeks is sufficient


Active Member
ok like i said i will get more lr but unfortunatly i have 15 lbs of cc and 55 lbs of crushed arogonite, i bought this at the lfs they said it would be good, but after all i hear here on dsb ls wish i had went that way, it really sucks, should i chage to a dsb any advice on how, i guess this would be the best time seeing as i only have the one damsel and oh yea 1 scarlet and 10 blue legs, i know the eel and the lion may get them


Active Member
you are right, if yo are to make the change, now would be the easiest and best tiem for you, using dry may set you back with a mini re-cycle, but not as bad as what you just went through, and using ls would not set you back hardly at all, but would be much more costly
and with an empty tank, just change it all, IMO


Active Member
i think i will change to ls what is the difference from florida keys ls and natures ocean ls sold here