Its hard to address all the questions you had in the video but i'll try... I can't remember them all now. hahah
What are the supplements? It was hard to read. From what I saw.. they are kent brand. That's about it.
Generally, you should never dose for something that you are not testing for. What do you think you need the supplements for?
I do not run skimmers. I have 2 tanks, no skimmers. Both loaded with corals. I keep softies, like you.
You do not need a skimmer. But skimming will cut down on water changes, reduce the waste in the tank, and help with water clarity.
A skimmer is never a bad idea. For what you are doing, it's not a necessity
The corals that you have are star polyps (pink I think), and Zoanthids (zoas). They are easy to keep corals and don't require perfect water or lots of intense light.
I have 1 of each of those lights that you pointed out. The black one is a Coralife lunar light and the gray is just a coralife PC fixture. (1 on one tank, the other on the other tank). They are both great fixtures. Especially for someone who likes softies. I keep leather, shrooms, zoas, galaxia, Green star polyps. acans, gorgonians and a sea fan... plus more. You will do well with them. Then when you're ready, you can upgrade the light to keep more corals.
Good luck with the damsel. Catching a damsel will probably require that you remove the rock and get him, or that you get him at night. Wait til he is "sleeping". keep the light 100% out in the room. Shine a flash light in his face and it'' stun him momentarily and allow you to scoop him up and out.
Your tank looks healthy and happy. seems very stable, with good coraline growth. I didn't even see any nuisance algeas or anything. Good job!
Just don't buy any more damsels.