what should i do with LR?


i am purchased today online 45pounds of LR for a 55gal. My questions is , is this going to be enough LR? Also i don't know what should i do with it when it arrives? I was told to place it in a container and let all the waste from the shippment be removed. Can you guys and gals help me out before it gets here? What should the salt level be in the container, should i add a heater, an air pump, etc. I have a 10 gallon tank that i have empty, do you think that all the rock would fit in it? How often should i change the water? I know that i am asking a million questions by i don't want to kill my clownfish and my damsels that have been in there since day 1.
Thanks for all the patience:confused: :)


Active Member
Boomer, I was all happy as I was reading that, I knew there was another thread and was gonna tell them about it and boom----you beat me lol. BTW Boomer good advice, I too was not sure what to do. :p

sinner's girl

"My questions is , is this going to be enough LR?"
that depends on how much you want and what you're doing with your tank.
we have less than that in our 55 with two clowns.


You just know as you arrange and rearrange if you have enough rock aesthetically--if you don't have enough, it just looks too bare. As for filtration, a lot of ppl recommend 1.5 lbs per gallon.
We have 41 lbs in a 37 gal tank and it could use one more big chunk. Have fun!


Sorry i do'nt have urls, but there are various forms of ARRANGING the rock. Often the architecture you choose will help determine the pieces, size and amount of LR you need and want.
For purposes of biological filtration, ive heard that 1 lb per gal is adequate for a reef tank. 1.5 lb per gal for a fish only tank.
For purposes of appearance - that is your call. I choose a bleacher setup - so i avoided large bulky pieces. I wanted 3 FLAT shelves (that i choose tonga over fiji for) and made 'tables' using them by placing piece sof 'smal' fiji underneath each side. This enables me to create caverns for the fish to swim around AND 3 different layers of flat areas for future corals at different levels in the tank - for purposes of different light intensities and water currents. The pieces I put on top, i was looking for light weight - heavily porous pieces that had archways in them for a 2nd tier of caverns just below the top of my LR surface.
Many ppl use a "brick wall" or "fire place" method and alternate 'boulder' type pieces in creating holes and an overall round shape of their reef.
You can look at ppl's tanks to get ideas - but the architecture YOU choose will help determine HOW MUCH LR and what TYPE/SHAPES of rock to choose :)
Everyone stacks rock differently - just remember to keep enough space to be able to blow some current thru the rock.