what should i feed a antennata lion


Can i ask does this fish eat dead foods now?
if not then you'll have to get it used to your tank(say feed it live food for a week or so-use ghost shrimp first(best of FW evils). Once the fish is happy in your tank, starve it for 3-5 days and daily introduce dead food which look alive- like silverside or mysis shrimp. You might have to do the fish on a string or fish on a stick routine, but get the lion excited and chasing it.
So to answer your Q? No cubes will not be enuf and they shouldn't be used as a sole food. Remember these fish in the wild eat shrimp, crabs, and fish. So you can feed them gorcery store bought shrimp chunks(w/ shells), crab meat, silversides, mysis shrimp, white fish meat, squid, octopus. I buy a bunch cut it into small chunks, and freeze it.
Rotate foods frequently, this provides proper nutrition and prevents food burnout.
As far as how much and how often. Feed the lion a few chunks each feeding and feed it 3 times a week.
Does this answer your Q?


Active Member
i will be getting this fish from here soon, so you say i should start with live and then go to the frozen cubes


Please reread my answer to you.
There is NO best live FW food, however the best of the evils is live ghost shrimp. You will be feeding thi slion live foods for only 2 week tops. You need the lion fat, happy, and comfortable in your tank.
Second, cube food ain't gonna cut it. You'll need to start out w/ something that looks like a fish or a shrimp to ween him over, then once thats happen you can occasionly fed him cubes.
Try to feed him the stuff i wrote in my response. I listed a wonderful assortment of fish flesh. I've have 5 yr old lions who eat this stuff.
Please reread


It took me eight or nine days to get my lion to eat frozen but he finally ate silversides and now there is no problems, try to get him over to frozen A.S.A.P...... :)