What should I feed my new threadfin butterfly fish?

jon in tx

He doesn't seem interested in flakes or veggie sheet. He eats a little bit of frozen shrimp but not much. SWF.com says Diet is Clam? Suggestions?


I fed mine live blood worms. After three months it died. I read it was a questionable fish in a home tank. Nice fish if you can keep it alive.
Any other food I offered the fish it was not interested. All my other
fish are happy campers. I would like to try again though ....goood luck.


Active Member
In time, it should take to a variety of foods. Offer it mysis shrimp, chopped mussell, clam, pellets, plankton, things like Emerald Entree and Marine Cuisine, continue with the algae sheets. If the fish is reluctant to eat, place a small steamer clam in the tank partially cracked open. Brine and blood worms are okay on occassion.
I'd suggest soaking the foods in selcon or zoe for added nutrition.
How big is this fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon in Tx
He's good size - about 4 inches. Does his size change the recommended feeding?
Not really. Large specimens are sometimes very difficult to get eating. Real tiny ones don't often do well either. The size you have is the best bet for a captive fish.


Originally Posted by woodwalker
I fed mine live blood worms. After three months it died. I read it was a questionable fish in a home tank. Nice fish if you can keep it alive.
Any other food I offered the fish it was not interested. All my other
fish are happy campers. I would like to try again though ....goood luck.
Blood worms are for FW fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Blood worms are for FW fish.
Most sw fish eat them greedily. I've always used them, soaked in supplements and my angels/butterflies/wrasses gobble them up. They can be a good part of a varied diet, IME.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Most sw fish eat them greedily. I've always used them, soaked in supplements and my angels/butterflies/wrasses gobble them up. They can be a good part of a varied diet, IME.
You do? Hm, that is interesting. I have always found that they were not healthy at all for SW fish. Bloodworms live in FW. I only fed them to fish that had to have worms such as my dolphins or stingrays. They are not nutritious to salt fish and I would not think that they would live longer than a minute in SW. They are messy in FW. I am not doubting you at all, it is just news to me that someone has had success feeding them to salt fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You do? Hm, that is interesting. I have always found that they were not healthy at all for SW fish. Bloodworms live in FW. I only fed them to fish that had to have worms such as my dolphins or stingrays. They are not nutritious to salt fish and I would not think that they would live longer than a minute in SW. They are messy in FW. I am not doubting you at all, it is just news to me that someone has had success feeding them to salt fish.

I feed frozen. In terms of nutrition, they're no worse than brine shrimp, and again I normaly soak them in selcon or zoe. I wouldn't suggest them as a staple in any marine diet but once a week as a treat is fine.


Mine has turned into a butterball. I started feeding him frozen brine shrimp soaked in garlicguard. and slowly kept introducing other foods after i dumped in the brine into the tank. Now he eats anything and eats from my hand.