What should i get for 90 FOWLR


Active Member
what equipment should i get for a 90 gal set up
I got tank and stand for a killer deal, so i need to know what i should run on it. skimmer,filter, etc

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have a picasso trigger, Niger Trigger, Spotted Sharp nose puffer, and a SFE in my 90. You will be 100% okay with a niger and eel in that tank if you get them small for a couple years

crypt keeper

Active Member
Before the tank patrol comes around. All my fish are under 3 inches and my eel is a foot long. I plan on a 180 or 220 build here in the next year

crypt keeper

Active Member
If those were the only two fish you are going to keep you could put a couple power heads for circulation and just run two canister filters. Or you could run a simple sump with a skimmer. I have 30 gallon sump with a cheap skimmer. Nothing fancy I do weekly changes due to my bioload. Smaller niger and eel in a 90 shouldnt have a huge bioload. I stay dedicated to 20 gallon changes every week to week and a half. My water parems stay stable.

crypt keeper

Active Member
The niger will out grow the tank. Like I said before. If you get them small you have a few years. I would get a Porky Puffer. The Niger. Flame Angel and Zebra Moray. The eel and angel would be fine for life. Id say when the Niger and puffer get to over 6 inches either upgrade or start over.