What should I get next?


New Member
I have had my saltwater tank for about 2 months now. Every Friday I go to the Pet Shop and they test my water and tell me if I can hae any new fish or not. This is what I currently have:
1 mean yellow tang
1 foxface rabbitfish
2 yellow tail damsels
2 blue damsels
2 neon's
2 fire gobies
1 mandrain
1 dottyback
1 anemeone
1 slug
1 brittle tail star fish (came in live rock)
I would really like a gouper, or sweatlips, or a naso tang. Would any of these do good with the fish that I have or do you have any other suggestions for me, tom. is Friday fish buying day. Please let me know.
Thanks for your help!

mr . salty

Active Member
We really need to know more about your tank before we can tell you anything.But first,from that list I can tell you you need to SLOW DOWN.That is one hell of a heavy bio load for a two month old tank.I would immagin you probably have pretty high nitrates already in this tank.So unless this tank is a 90gallon or larger,I would not add anything for a couple months.But if you could tell us how big the tank is,what exactly are the water readings,What you have in the bottom of the tank,How much live rock,And what are you running for filters.We can better serve you...
I agree with Salty , no matter the tank size that many fish in that young of a tank at one or more per week is a little scary. I would slow down as salty said, not worth losing all that stock. I also would test my own water, who knows if the guys at the lfs are seeing nitrates @ 80 ppm and saying "eh, just sell them another fish, if it crashes they'll only be back to buy more fish" and I have seen guys at the lfs that have skipped tests such as Alk, Calc, and trites, which also scared me. Always best to see with your own two eyes. What do you have for filtration? Substrate? Skimmer? cleaner crew? and like salty said we need more info like tank size. would hate to see your tank crash.