What should I get next?


New Member
I have a 46 gallon bow front.
Fish- Royal Gramma, Maroon Clown
Inverts- Serpent Star, 2 camel shrimp, 3 scarlet hermits, 6 turbo snails and 1 emerald crab
I'd like some type of angel and maybe a six line wrasse. Would that be too many fish?


If it's a pygmy angel, that would be fine :D Depending on how long your tank has been set up, you might want to wait on the angel a bit...a lot of them are very sensitive to water quality and only do well in established tanks


Active Member
I would reccommend the flame angel, they are one of the more hardy pygmy angels and are very pretty. But like the above post stated, they need established tanks, like 4-5 months old. I also like coral beauties, they are pretty and hardy, but not as pretty as the flame IMO.


I know the lemon peels are less hardy than the flame angels and coral beauties. Angel fish are fairly hard to keep. Just provide lots of algae and lettuce


Active Member
The lemon peels can be territorial too. They can't be kept in a reef tank with soft or hard corals, in case you have any. And like the above post stated they are one of the less hardy pygmy angels to keep, they are pretty but can be hard to care for because they need very good water conditions, but all angels do, its just that they aren't as easy to care for.