What should I get

blue oasis

I am thinking about putting in the following fish in my tank:
Dragon Wrasse
Emperor Angel (Juvenile)
Hamlet- Gold
Parrotfish Princess
What does everybody think about this mix? Do these fish live long in captivity? What do you recommend as an agressive fish for my tank?


yeah we need to know tank size and dont bother with the parrot they always die because how sensitive they are

blue oasis

I have a 100 Gallon. I know I need a bigger tank for the Emperor Angel, but I am getting him/her as a juvenile, then when it gets to big for my 100 Gallon sell it back to my LFS.


Active Member
well aside from the angel an parrot i dont see any probs w/ the list, add maybe 3 fish? like a lion or eel, a smaller puffer?


The Dragon wrasse will get to around 12 inches when full grown and will change its appearence. You will also need a deep sandbed because they like to bury themselves at night to sleep. It will need a larger tank also. The Hamlet would be a cool addition. I have a Indigo Blue Hamlet and it is one of my favorites. It was shy for the first month or so but now it swims out in the open all the time and is great.