what should i get


Active Member
i want to add some inverts to my 75 but what to get on the u build it package. what kind of snail,crabs, and shrimp and how many? Are there any that I should stay away from(shrimp,crabs, or snails)


i would get
20-25 turbo snails
30 blue leg hermits
2-3 sand sifting stars
3 emerald crabs
and the rest is up to you theres alot of things that you might like but that will give you a jump on the algea that will start to grow someone else might give you some other things that i left out


Active Member
thanks what is the major differences in the shrimp, are there any that i should stay away from. my tank has been set up for like 8 months.


Active Member
what about the fire shrimp, i plan to one day have a reef but right now it is fowlr, any crabs to stay away from


Active Member
Crabs have claws for a reason.
Sometimes they just use them to pick at algae - good thing.
Sometimes they use them to kill other clean-up crew critters - bad thing.
Sometimes crabs are angels and never bother anything you don't want them to.
Other times - look out - they may go on a killing frenzy.
That's what crabs do. Not all of them, but some of them.
Species is not a 100% sure thing as well.
Crabs are unpredictable.
I like them though ;) and if they kill something in my tank - well so be it - they're doing what they do.
Sally Lightfoot ate my coralline algae - it was not welcome any longer.
Snails - can't go wrong with most species.
Shrimp - Banded Coral / Coral Banded can be mean little guys.
Peppermints & Cleaners - I've never had a problem - they are whimps. Peppermints seem to hide all day - come out at night.
Cleaners - gotta love the cleaners. Active and beneficial IMO.
I like to load up on snails for the major cleaners.
Scarlet hermits I like, and I've got some "killer" blue legs I'm considering giving away. Nasty little shell stealers no matter how many shells are available to them - they want a shell that's moving - and they will do what they must to overcome the current resident.
I also like to keep at least one black brittle star in my tanks.
Never had a problem with these guys ( that I know of ).


Active Member
instead of mexican turbos or astreas i would try to get trochus snails and cerith snails. trochus snail have to be the best cleaners i have ever seen. im also a big fan of margarita snails. ceriths snails are detritus/microalgae eaters and most will spend their time in the snadbed. this is good because they dont feed on anythign in the bed, just detritus, and keep it nice and areated/turned over, plus they will reproduce in a tnak, and thats always a good thing.
fire shrimp are just like cleaners, however they are much more cryptic. if you have a pair of fires, they will tend to be out in th eopen more than if you have one individual. peps. are great because they will chow aiptasia if you ever get any, and trust me you will.
i would go with scarlets and blue legs, even thought the blue legs can be mean little buggers. both will do a great job cleanin things up for ya
good luck


Active Member
red serpent stars are great scavengers, but like the fire shrimp are very cryptic, meaning you wont see much of them. if you dont have enough food for them they will starve so i try to place small bits of mysis/cocktail/krill shrimp next to them, and they usually come out and grab it from the tongs.
porcelain crabs, dependign on what type really need some type of host anemone to be in. this goes for the common porcelain crab, the white one with brown specks on his body. i had one of these in a tank without an anemone, and he just kinda faded away. wasnt happy. i know there was enough food for him in the water column, i just think he didnt survive well. there are types of porcelain crabs that are much darker no white at all, that do fine without anemones. i have seen them for sale at a lfs in the next town over and they are exactly the same as the one Bang Guy has in his tank w/o an anemone.
fire shrimp are a type of cleaner shrimp, are in teh same family as cleaners, peppermint, and cbs. they too are cryptic unless kept in

but are cool looking and are great little shrimp!
good luck