What should I look for when I buy some live rock.


I just set up my 180g tank and would like to go to the lfs and buy some live rock. What should I look for or ask for when buying some. And also how much should I put into my 180g. Tanks only been running for like 3 days. Is it to soon to add live rock and a raw shrimp?


The amount of rock you should add depends on a couple things.
The first: What do want the tank to be? FOWLR or a reef? If this is going to be a reef, you should add between 1.5 and 2 pounds per gallon. If a FOWLR you can get away with less.
The second: $$$$$ LR for a tank that size is going to cost a couple of dollars. If you can afford it all at once, then that is the best bet. You should take a look at the LR on this site. I have never purchased any myself but from what I read most people are very happy with it and it is hard to beat the price. The down side is you don't get to see the pieces you are buying ahead of time.
I don't think that it is ever to soon to force start the cycle with a shrimp and or LR. I will more than likely be corrected on this but it is just my 2cents.
Best of luck!


Hey, i got 100 lb of fully cured live rock and 45 of live sand for $300 I live in nw ohio. You can have some of my water so you don't have a bad cycle let me know.


Active Member
If it was me I would look for big pieces with nice shapes. That way it is easy to create places for your fish to swim through to hide. Put the rock in asap to get your cycle going. If your doing a reef shoot for 180 lbs of rock.


I just got 350 Lbs of live rock and got a great deal the rock is beautiful full of plant life, sponge, alge of all types and critters galore. if you are interested in the company email me and I will pass on the info


If your going to order online then you get what they send you. If you are going to purchase this at an LFS then you will be looking at size, density, general shape, caves, good porous pieces. I like to find a couple of medium pieces that you could put a long shelf like piece over to make a simple cave with front and back open. You will find that cleaner shrimp like such a construction to set up their cleaning station. Is there any coralline aglea on it, the more the better. Does it smell bad, if it smells other than fresh sea water then you do not want it, as it will not be fully cured and could foul your tank. You might find a piece or two with a really cool looking anemone type thing on it so you might want to look up aptasia or glass anemone, these are not a good thing. If your ordering on line then you could wind up with some really cool looking stuff, then again you could wind up with other unwanted hitchickers like mantis shrimp, pistol shrimp, fireworms,..etc...
When I got my baserock one piece was as big around as a basketball and a little longer or about 13 inches almost roundish well I didn't want that big a rock so I drilled it along an imaginary seem with a 1/8 drillbit 6inches long then took a masonry chisle and cracked it along the seem...worked perfect..two pieces that I was able to make great shelfs out of on top of other rocks. Point is there, that you could do this with live rock to form your own pieces too, or drill cool holes in them
is it just me or does anyone else wind up trying to spell YOUR or THE and it comes out you or hte?