What shuld i put in a 30 gallon tank


I just recently set up a 30gal too, along with my 55 that has been up for 9 months. I added 2 Black and white clowns, 2 springeri psudochromis (purple and black) then I will set up a green carpet.


how about some water! ha ha!
sorry couldnt resist- but seriously what do you mean? structure? substrate? fish?
its your tank what do you like?


here is a list of fish you may concider researching,
fire goby
perc clown
dwarf pygmy angel
blue spot puffer
snowflake eel
these are all really cool, the angel can be quite territorial...
stay away from damsels they get mean.


Originally Posted by sawsman
how about some water! ha ha!
sorry couldnt resist- but seriously what do you mean? structure? substrate? fish?
its your tank what do you like?

Even do you one better, how about SALTwater with a specific gravity of 1.025


The book says snowflakes need a min. tank of 30 gallons but they get almost 30" full grown so I personally tend to disagree. Plus they're messy eaters so keeping your water quality up with one in a 30 gall. seems like it'd be a real chore. Just myself, I don't think I'd go for one without at least 55 gallons or better unless you want him to be the ONLY critter in the tank.
They're generally harmless as long as you keep them well fed. Otherwise he'll try to nab your fish and go especially crazy when you feed your fish. I accidently had a hungry one in with some damsels at work once. I put the fish food in the water, he smelled it (their eyesight stinks but man, can they smell!), came out and went crazy trying to munch a fish!! I had to scramble to give him some krill before anyone got hurt! Whenever you go to feed the fish just make sure that first you hand him a few good chunks of meaty things (with tongs or a feeding stick!) to keep him busy and happy while you feed the fishies.


Sorry, forgot to answer the original question
Like someone else posted, it's your tank so what do YOU like? I'd stay away from any fish that get over about 4-5" or so probably because of space restraints unless there's a particular fish you like and want to keep as pretty much the only inhabitant like a little dwarf lion or something. One little zebra lion or something would be sweet in there if you decorated the tank just right for him!
I think I'd personally be tempted to make a 30 gallon a showpiece for one or two little clowns with an anemone. Or maybe even two or three small fish with some corals.
Is there any particular animal that really catches your eye? Pick out something that you really love then build your stock around that. Just keep in mind that you aren't going to be able to put many fish at all in a tank of that size!