What siphon overflow is best?

I'm looking at getting a siphon overflow for a sump/refugium I want to add to my 55 gal. Are there any siphons I should look out for? Good or bad? Any horror stories?
Also, I'm planning on using a 10 gal. for the sump/refugium. Is this a good size for my 55 gal?


Active Member
im gonna second josh's statemet on lifereef. i havent ued them personally but i have seen them in action and they are very high quality!
good luck

nm reef

Active Member
Granted it is not "majic"...but I currently use 2 slim line LifeReef syphon overflows(rated at 700 gph each) and they never fail to re-start...neither has lost syphon. In my opinion a quality product.
The sump you plan is rather small but will definitely work...just not a lot of room if you later decide to use a in-sump skimmer of any size...I have a 29 gal sump with a EuroReef CS6-2 skimmer and a MagDrive 1200 return pump. The 29 allows room for the equipment and about 15 gal of water. Your idea for a 10 will work but you may want to consider additional space.
Definitely check out the LifeReef overflows though...:cool:

richard rendos

Active Member
I never had an Amiracle overflow lose siphon, or a CPR. I know some people have terrible luck with CPR's, but I never had a single problem. Drilling is the best way to plumb a tank, but LifeReef and Amiracle overflows have the same basic design....seem fool proof to me.


Active Member
im going to order for the capt. too. let me know how it works for ya...
and what keeps it from the syphoning quitting?
I'm sure to be in the minority here...but I use CPR's CS100 overflows and just love them! They have never lost siphon and the way they are made keeps fish and (especially) snails out. I used to have a problem with snails getting into the overflow and then up into the j tube and then a flood would result if I didn't notice it in there in enough time.
I keep a Rio 800 "pro twin" power head (regular powerheads not good enough. You need the pro twin model) in the back portion of the overflows rather than attaching the airline to a powerhead in the tank. This keeps the bubbles created by the airline in the overflow and not in the tank. I have done power outage simulations multiple times looking for problems, but have found none...at least not with the overflows.
Good luck!


I have the amiracle...very nice...keeps its siphon. I think they're cheaper than the CPR's too!. And I'd at least bump up tro a 15 gallon sump.

eddie g

I recently purchased an Amiracle overflow from --- ---- for about $45 plus about $6 or $7 shipping. There were two other places that were selling them for about $43. I tried to email you the site. I was unable to email you. Saltwaterfish sent me an email that it's not ok to put links to other sites on this board. So if you want that link you can email me at: