What size plumping lines?


New Member
Which size plumping lines and valves should I buy for my 100G tank / Sump? Is the thicker the line the better? 1.5? I would like to get the best possible. Thanks!


The external pump that I use is 3/4 inch inlet and outlet, which I adaped for 1" soft tubing for my return to the internal overflow box to the spraybar. The overflow box on my 90 has a 1 1/4 durso standpipe, on the end of which is a 1 1/4 inch to 1" adapter into the 1" bulkhead, from here I have 1 inch ribbed tubing leading to my wet/dry.
So part of this will depend on what size your pump inlet and outlet will be, but I expanded mine to 1". Also if you have bulkheads what size your bulkhead may also determine what size lines you might need. I had my bulkhead in my wet/dry drilled for 1" as well. This way If I ever upgrade pumps in the future I'm all set.
Others will tell you hard plumming all the way. For this yoiu should use the thin wall pvc.
Just my thoughts


I have the same kind of question, I have 75 g w 600gpm overflow, there was no piping, had to build my line to sump. I used PVC 1.5 inch, my return was in tact looks 3/4 PVC. this isn't going to work. can't get siphon with it running out so fast, do I cap the ends and drill holes to control it or start over with 1"?
the return PH is Rio 2100 thanks


I think I have figured this out going to go from overflow with 3/4 tubing into my bio-skimmer and dump to refuge. I read on another post heater should not be in return section. is it ok in refuge or do I have to have it up top? would rather hide it away.